The Workers & The Wages

The Workers & The Wages

Peter wanted to know what reward would be given to those who give up everything to follow Jesus. In response, Jesus explains this truth about the kingdom of heaven. You’d expect those who worked the longest to get the largest portion. That’s how it works in a worldly economy. But when it comes to salvation, grace, and inheriting the Kingdom, Jesus weighs with a different scale.

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Matthew 20:16
Today, we’re talking about fairness in God’s eyes. Does He reward those who work longer or harder? Jesus explains through a story about a landowner paying his workers. In the parable, a landowner hires workers throughout the day, promising to pay them fairly. When it’s time to pay, he gives everyone the same wage, no matter how long they worked. Some workers get upset, but the landowner explains he’s being fair. This story isn’t about money; it’s about salvation. God’s grace is given to everyone, whether they’ve followed Him for a long time or just started. It’s not about earning heaven with good deeds. The workers who complained were like the Pharisees, jealous that others could get into heaven. But Jesus teaches that all believers, no matter their past, will receive eternal life.
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